104 Duke Street Studios

104 Duke Street Studios

104 Duke Street Studios

My Artist friends Colette Lilley, Laura Oreily and I launched 104 Duke Street studios in 2014. We were all part of Wolstenholme creative space before the landlords decided to sell the building, which housed over 30 Artists, to developers. After wandering the streets of Liverpool, we were lucky enough to find our building on Duke Street in the city centre. It has been many things but was originally an old printers and still has some features from those days. We have housed numerous Artists/creatives over the past 6 years and have taken part in Liverpool’s Light Night festivals, Open Studio events and curated our own exhibitions. Since Colette and Laura moved on in 2015, I have run the studio myself and can say we have a fabulous bunch of creatives currently under our roof. Unfortunately, our landlord’s tenancy runs out this year and because it is a prime bit of location our gorgeous home will be sold off and we will be moving on to another exciting building. Until 2021 though it is still our home! And it has been good to us over the years. Here’s to 104 Duke Street Studios!


Threshold Festival


Bay TV